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We came together because of our kids,
we stay together because of our community.


Bylaws of the Pearce Community Women’s League

Founded September 22, 2010


Article I - NAME

The name of this organization shall be:



Article II – PURPOSE

The purpose of PCWL shall be to generate interest and participation in helping to meet the philanthropic needs of our community and to stimulate the intellectual, cultural and social development of its members.


“We came together because of our kids,

We stay together because of our community.”



The following are basic policies of the PCWL:

1)    The organization shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian and nonpartisan.

2)    The organization shall seek to promote collaboration among members, schools and the community at large for the benefit of all.

3)    No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, officers, committee chairmen, or other private persons except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purpose set forth in Article II.

4)    Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (i) by an organization exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

5)    No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be for the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, this organization shall not, except to an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of the purposes of this organization.

6)    Upon the dissolution of this organization, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the organization, the remaining assets shall be distributed to one (1) or more non-profit funds, foundations or organizations that have established their tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and whose purposes are in accordance with those of the PCWL.




Section 1.  Classifications of Membership

The membership of PCWL shall consist of Active, Sustaining and Provisional members.

A.    Active Member shall enjoy all the responsibilities and privileges of PCWL, including voting, holding office, and participating in activity groups.

1)   Requirements:

a.    Active members must live in the J.J. Pearce High School attendance boundaries as defined by the RISD; or, children attended J.J. Pearce High School feeder schools.

b.    Youngest or only child has graduated from high school.

c.    An Active member shall pay non-refundable annual dues of $55.00 to the General Fund and a non-refundable payment of $50.00 to the PCWL Charitable Fund by June 30th annually.

d.    Must purchase a minimum of 2 tickets to the Annual Gala or other such annual primary fundraiser.

e.    Must donate an auction item worth $50.00/ or make a $50.00 cash donation towards the annual primary fundraiser prizes.

f.     The annual primary fundraiser is the PCWL’s main source of income.  Therefore, every active member must participate in activities designated by the Fundraising committee.  These are subject to change as the need arises.

g.    There is an expectation that members will attend all general meetings.

h.    Every Active member is required to complete four service credits from the projects determined by the Service Committee.  Each credit involves approximately one and a half to two hours of time.  Any member unable to fulfill their for (4) service credits will be given an opportunity to buy remaining credits for $25/credit in order to stay in good standing.

i.      Each Active member will serve on at least one officer or chairman committee.


B.   Sustaining Member

1)    Requirements:

a.    Must have at least five years status as an Active Member in good standing. The five years need not be consecutive.

b.    A Sustaining Member will not have voting rights.

c.    A Sustaining Member will not have a community service obligation.

d.    A Sustaining Member will be responsible for PCWL annual General Fund dues of $55.

e.    A Sustaining Member may participate in the annual fundraiser but is not required to do so.  If attending the fundraising event, the purchase of ticket(s) is mandatory.



C.   Provisional Member

1)    Requirements:

a.    Provisional members must live in the J.J. Pearce High School attendance boundaries as defined by the RISD; or, children attended J.J. Pearce High School feeder schools.

b.    Youngest or only child is a senior in high school.

c.    Not required to attend meetings, service projects or social groups. 

d.    Invited to attend the fundraising event. They will be responsible for the purchase of ticket(s).

e.    Not eligible to hold officer or chairman positions.

f.     Must pay $30 dues to the General Fund by June 30th of their youngest or only child’s junior year in high school.

g.    Provisional membership is a one-time opportunity.

h.    A Provisional member is automatically admitted as an Active member the following year, subject to Active Member requirements.


D.   Non-resident member

1)    Requirements:

a.    Non-resident members must have lived in the J.J. Pearce High School attendance boundaries as defined by the RISD; or, children attended J.J. Pearce High School feeder schools.

b.    Youngest or only child has graduated from high school.

c.    A Non-resident member shall reside outside a 100 mile radius of J.J. Pearce High School.

d.    A Non-resident member shall not have voting rights.

e.    A Non-resident member shall not have a community service obligation.

f.     A Non-resident member shall be responsible for PCWL annual General Fund fues of $55.


E.   Charter Member

1)    Is one of the first members of PCWL who retained Active membership by October 1, 2010.


F.    Life Member

1)     is a PCWL member who has been accorded this title by a three-fourths vote of the Active membership in attendance at a General Meeting. A Life Member enjoys all the privileges of Active membership and is exempt from all PCWL obligations.




Section 2.  Admission to Membership

A.   Applications

1)    All prospective members must fill out an application distributed by the 2nd Vice-President-Membership.

2)    Application deadline is June 30th.

3)    Completed application must be accompanied by General                           Fund Dues as well as PCWL Charitable Fund Dues.

4)    Application materials will be returned to the 2nd Vice-President-Membership.


B.   Member Confirmation

1)    Members will be confirmed by the 2nd Vice-President-Membership by July 1st.


Section 3.  Termination of Membership

A.  Resignation shall be accepted when a member in good standing voluntarily relinquishes her membership.

1)  Written request must be submitted to the 2nd Vice President - Membership.

2)  At the time the request is made, all financial obligations must have been fulfilled (including payment for credit hours unfulfilled).


 Section 4.  Reinstatement after voluntary resignation

1)   A member who has resigned in good standing may, upon written request, be automatically reinstated at the beginning of the next fiscal year.


Article V - Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year shall be from July 1st through June 30th of the following year.


Article VI - Meetings

Section 1. General Meetings

There will be 4 General Meetings scheduled per year.  The first General Meeting shall be held in September.  The officers will be installed in a General Meeting in April.  The Scholarship Awards will be held at a General Meeting in May. The remaining meeting will be scheduled at the discretion of the Board.


Section 2. Emergency Meetings

Emergency meetings may be called by the President and shall be called upon written request of four members of the Executive Board. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. 





Section 3.  Quorum

Fifty members of PCWL or one-fourth of the Active members, whichever number is less, shall constitute a quorum. 




Section 1. Members

The Executive Board shall consist of the elected Officers and Standing Committee chairmen.


Section 2. Duties and Authority

A.   The Executive Board shall conduct the affairs of PCWL between meetings.

B.   The Executive Board shall create Standing Committees.


Section 3. Quorum

A majority of voting membership representing the Board officer and chairman positions of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.



Section 1. Elected Officers

The elected officers of PCWL shall be President, President-Elect, First Vice President – Programs, Second Vice President - Membership, Third Vice-President – Credits, Fourth, Fifth Sixth and Seventh Vice Presidents – Fundraising, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian.


Section 2. Qualifications

A.   An officer shall be an Active member in good standing.


Section 3. Selection

A.  Officers shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee, with the consent of each nominee.

B.  The Nominating Committee shall present the Slate of Officers at the General Meeting in April. At that time nominations may be made from the floor, with consent of the nominee.

C.  The officers shall be elected and installed at the April General Meeting.

E.  A majority vote of the membership at the April General Meeting shall elect.


Section 4. Term of Office

A.   Officers shall serve for a term of one year.

B.   The term of office shall begin following the end of the fiscal year (June 30).

C.   An elected officer shall not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. 

D.   The President shall not serve more than one consecutive term in the office of President, providing the President-Elect is a willing successor to the office of President for the following term.


    Section 5. Vacancies

A.   In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the president shall be named by the Executive Board and voted on at the next General Meeting.

B.   In the event of a vacancy in any other elected office, a successor shall be named by the President with the approval of the Executive Board and voted on at the next General Meeting.

C.   A vacancy in committee chairmanship shall be filled by the President with the approval of the Executive Board. 




Section 1. President

A.  Shall be the chief executive officer of PCWL.

B.  Shall preside at all general meetings and Executive Board meetings.

C.  Shall call emergency meetings of the General Membership and Executive Board as needed.

D.  Shall be authorized to sign on bank accounts.

E.  Shall be an ex-officio member of all Committees.

F.  Shall be a member of the Budget Committee.


Section 2. President-Elect

A.  Shall preside in the absence of the President at the General Meetings or Executive Board.

B.  Shall assist the President.

C.  Shall be authorized to sign on bank accounts.

D.  Shall be a member of the Budget Committee.

E.  Shall oversee and be a member of the scholarship committees which will be broken down by: 1) Scholarship event committee – assigned by Placement

2) Scholarship Selection Committee(s)

F. Members of the Scholarship Selection Committee will be: President Elect, AVID Community Service Coordinator, (2) Board members, (2) Members at Large. 

G.. President-Elect has the opportunity to assign additional members to Scholarship Selection Committee(s)


Section 3. First Vice-President - Programs

A.  Shall preside in the absence of the President and the President-Elect.

B.  Shall be Chairman of the Program Committee and plan all programs.


Section 4. Second Vice-President - Membership

A.  Shall maintain complete and up-to-date records of membership and the membership database.

B.  Shall coordinate the annual membership drive.




Section 5. Third Vice-President - Credits

A.  Shall coordinate the membership volunteer hours.


Section 6. Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Vice-Presidents - Fundraising

A.  Shall plan activities to raise funds to carry out the projects for community benefit.

B.   Shall be responsible for the primary annual fundraiser.


Section 7. Secretary

A.  Shall keep accurate minutes of all General Meetings and Executive Board meetings.

B.  Shall maintain a current copy of the bylaws and standing rules.

C.  Shall send general correspondence of PCWL.


Section 8. Treasurer

A.  Shall have custody of all funds of the PCWL.

B   Shall be responsible for all deposits and disbursements.

C.  Shall furnish a detailed Treasurer's report at General Meetings and Executive Board Meetings.

D.  Shall be authorized to sign on bank accounts.

E.  Shall submit all records to the Audit Committee for annual audit.

F.  Shall be the chair of the Budget Committee.

G. Will be responsible to disburse funds to scholarship recipients.

H.  Will be an ex-officio members of the Disbursements Committee.


Section 9. Parliamentarian

A.  Shall advise on points of Parliamentary procedure.

B.  Shall maintain a current copy of the bylaws and standing rules.

C.  Shall ote only when the vote is by ballot.

D.  Shall serve as chairman of the revision, procedure, and bylaws committee.

E.  Shall monitor community service hours of all members.  Will insure that members have completed required community service hours by June 30th of each year.  Will notify members who have not completed hours and will work with them to resolve the deficiency.



Section 1. Standing Committees

The Standing Committees shall be Communications, Community Service, Historian, Hospitality, Placement, Public Relations, Social Activities, TLC and Webmaster. 

A.  The Committee Chairman positions shall be filled by the Officers after recommendations are received from the Nominating Committee.

B.  A Committee Chairman shall be an Active member in good standing.

C.  Committee Members - Members of each committee shall be selected by the Placement Committee with the following exceptions:

1)  The Bylaws Committee members shall be appointed by the President.

2)  The Audit Committee members shall be appointed by the President.

3)  The Nominating Committee shall be filled as noted in Article X, Section 2(D).

D.  Duties of Standing Committees:

1)  Communications:

a)    The Communications Committee shall be responsible for informing the general membership of all PCWL activities. 

b)    Shall send out a monthly e-news or as needed

c)    Shall send out emails to the general membership as needed.


2)    Community Service:

a)    The Community Service Committee shall promote approved projects for the advancement of the community.

b)    The Community Service Committee chairman shall supervise the chairmen of the Community Service projects.

c)    Each Community Service Project Committee shall provide an annual report to the Community Service Chairman.


3)    Historian: 

a.    Shall compile the annual scrapbook for PCWL.

b.    Shall coordinate with Communication, Public Relations and Webmaster on promoting activities of PCWL.


4)    Hospitality:

a)    Shall plan all PCWL general membership social functions as well as provide a meeting place, food and hostesses for each general meeting.


5)    Placement:

a)    Shall create the committees for the officer and standing committees.

b)    Committee members shall serve as mentors for new/provisional members.


6)    Public Relations:

a)    Shall promote PCWL in the community by increasing awareness of PCWL’s projects, fund-raising events and programs, including use of social media.


7) Social Activities:

a)  Shall promote social activities and fellowship in activity groups.

b)  Each activity group shall provide an annual report to the Social         Activities Chairman.



a)  Shall be responsible for enhancing the morale of the individual members and the organization.



9) Webmaster

a) Shall maintain PCWL’s website.

b) Support the Communications Committee Chairman as requested.




Section 2. Special Committees

Special committees shall be appointed by the President as the need arises. 

A.   Audit Committee, consisting of three members, shall be appointed by the President at the year’s end for the purpose of reviewing the PCWL books. The chairman of the committee will present a report of its findings at the general meeting that follows the completion of the review.


B.   Budget Committee shall consist of 6 (six) members including the newly-elected President, immediate past President, newly-elected President-Elect, newly-elected Treasurer, immediate past Treasurer, and at least one (1) member at large.  The committee will be chaired by the newly-elected Treasurer. 


C.   Disbursements Committee shall be appointed by the President for the purpose of recommending to the membership the disbursement of funds raised by PCWL.  The committee shall consist of six members, including five active members and one sustaining member. The Treasurer shall serve as an ex-officio member.


D.   Nominating Committee

1)    Shall be a five member committee with a chairman appointed by the President.  Two members shall be elected by the Executive Board from its body and two members shall be elected by the membership.  This shall be done at the February Executive Board Meeting.  It shall be the Nominating Committee’s responsibility to nominate a candidate for each office and make recommendations for the Standing Committee positions. The slate of prospective Officers will be presented at the April General Meeting.

2)    No person may serve two (2) consecutive years on the Nominating Committee.



These bylaws may be amended at any General Meeting of PCWL by a two-thirds vote of members attending, provided that notice of the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous General Meeting, or communicated in writing (mail or electronic) at least two weeks prior to the general meeting.






Standing Rules of the PCWL



Designated Community Service Projects, existing and proposed, shall be evaluated annually by an appointed Community Service Committee.  Upon acceptance by the Community Service Committee, the project then becomes sanctioned by PCWL.  Each service project must have a chairman who coordinates the activities and reports service credits to the Community Service Committee.



Members who fail to cancel luncheon reservations by noon of the Monday preceding the luncheon and who do not pay or attend, shall be billed for the luncheon. Future luncheon reservations shall not be accepted until payment is made.




Two (2) signatures shall be required on all checks over the amount of $500.  There will be three (3) authorized signers, including the President, President-Elect, and Treasurer.

As Revised Mar2014/Jun2015/Sept2016/Feb2017